Technology Tracks
Discuss the interests and issues important to the network deployment, operation and design of networks as they impact IETF standards.
Educate and prepare new members for IETF involvement. Facilitate member involvement in IETF areas.
Provide information, guidance and direction to assist community in involvement in the IETF.
This iteration of Connections event is brought to you by India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc) and Industry Network Technology Council (INTC).

IPv6 adoption at enterprise has lagged. In this track we would focus on how to accelerate IPv6 adoption at the self-managed networks of the Enterprises.
All thats latest in the field of Networking - Intent Based Networking, Network Programming, BOFs from IETF 109 etc
Latest in the field of Transport protocols such as QUIC!
5G & beyond
Tutorial on 5G for an IP engineer. Details about IETF focus on 5G will also be covered.